Thursday, October 27, 2011

How I Defeated Chronic Fatigue Syndrome After 20 Years of Hell


This is the story of my personal experience of suffering with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for 20 years of my life.

I used to suffer from a condition known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Like most people who suffers from CFS, I was tired a lot of the time. I was taking 2-3 15-30 minute naps a day just to keep up. 

After I had graduated in multiple subjects to teach elementary, and having sent out application and my resumes to several school districts, I was ultimately hired by el Monte City School District. At first I was able to keep up with willful determination. But as time went by, it was beginning to get tougher to keep up with the daily teaching workload. I was having to take my entire lunch break in my classroom in a full 40-minute nap. If it weren't for those 40-minute naps, I do know how I would have survived as a elementary school teacher. But after two years of teaching, I could no longer teach. I had to give up teaching, at least full-time. 

I had to quit my teaching profession because of my poor health. At some point, I started to sleep more and more. When I was sleeping over 9 hours a day, I knew something was wrong with me.  I went online to try to figure out the reason I was feeling so tired all the time and having to sleep almost 10 hours daily. I did a lot of research. I did not learn what was the potential cause of my diminishing health until much later in my life{in my late 30s). 

When I was about 33 years old I ran across a CFS clinic in the East Coast that conducted testing to check if anyone suffered from CFS.  After reading the symptoms of CFS at their website, I ordered their testing package. After receiving this package, following the instructions, and after sending in my blood sample in a tube, the clinic sent back their findings: I tested positive for CFS and they gave me a list of recommended products that I could take to better deal with my condition. Whatever products I did take ultimately proved to do very little for my condition. I was disappointed.  My immune system was hurting, I was extremely tired, and I was suffering from insomnia.

I went online and searched for anything that could increase my energy level as well as help me sleep better at night.  This is the time that I experimented with a number of products that I found online that were either supposed to help me with a lack of energy or with insomnia. But the enduring persistent problem was that I was only treating the symptoms of CFS. Treating symptoms helps one get through the day, but this approach was not going to cure CFS.  So I was always open to anything that could potentially end my CFS nightmare.  I did find a few great energy-boosting products that I still take today.  For example, Oxydrene and Olive Lead Extract. These two products helped me so much with my lack of energy, that I thought for a while that I was overcoming CFS.  But I was only treating the symptoms of CFS, despite the fact that I was doing a prety fair job at it. I also found a few great products that improved my ability to sleep.  But I had to take up to five of these insomnia-fighting products in order to get my sleep. I made sure to get plenty of exercise as another way to make myself tired enough by the end of the day so I would have a better chance of sleeping more soundly; this actually helped quite a bit.

But the bottom line is:  I was only treating my CFS symptoms, not curing CFS. I was content with the results for the time being. I stuck to my rigid daily schedule religiously; keeping with my old daily schedule is another positive habit that really helped me get through each day. Everyday was a battle; no overstatement.

Years later, with no idea of what I would run into, I began to read the stories of people who used to suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and somehow recovered completely. These real life stories truly got my attention. I compared all of these stories and the root cause was always the same for all of them:  The amalgam fillings in their mouth. Once they had all of their amalgam fillings removed and did a detox treatment to remove the accumulated mercury trapped inside their body, their health slowly began to improve. It made perfect sense to me since I too had 7 amalgam fillings in my mouth since I was 18 years old.  It was wonderfully inspiring to read these stories of real people who have gone through the same hell as I did and made a "U-turn" for the best.  I felt that there was still hope for me.  

I now sincerely believe that my CFS was caused by mercury poisoning (from my research online, I learned that one of the major symptoms of heavy metals, especially mercury is chronic exhaustion). Without even knowing it, I was swallowing mercury for a period of roughly 20 years through my 7 amalgam (mercury) fillings in my mouth. 

I was inspired to follow on the footsteps of those former CFS patients. According to many health experts in heavy metal detox, the first important step to take is to remove all of the amalgam fillings by a competent dentist trained in the safe removal of amalgam fillings. After having all 7 of my offending fillings removed, I felt even more exhausted. I was already sleeping about 10.5 hours before the removal of my fillings. After the last one was removed, I had to sleep 12.5 hours each night! I told this to my dentist who removed the amalgam fillings and said that was normal. The reason behind this was because during the extraction of these 7 amalgam fillings, their vapor gases must have escaped and penetrated deeply inside my body, thus, adding to the overall accumulation of my mercury load. The more mercury you have, the more tired you are. I once read how one poor lady who had over 20 amalgam fillings was sleeping 18 hours daily!

I had read everything I could find on heavy metal detox and the correct method for properly doing it. Over a period of 2 years, I test-tried over a dozen different detox treatments, testing each one separately in order to see which worked and which didn't. I never took two together.  I learned which were the best and most effective heavy metal detoxing agents through this testing. By sticking to these few detoxing agents long enough, I was beginning to experience noticeable results such as no brain fog and felt less tired while taking them. It was only after 2 years of devoted commitment to these  detoxing agents that my sleep requirement was starting to diminish gradually. Remember, that I was being slowly mercury poisoned for a period of 20 years and that is why it took so long to experience noticeable improvement in my health. This is when I realized that heavy metal detox really does work when you stick to the right detoxing agents for a long while.  Believe me, I had many doubts during those first 24 months. I was not sure of anything except that I wanted to get rid of all of the mercury that I was carrying around inside my body.

Today I no longer have to sleep so much. Sometimes I sleep less than 7 hours and I do not feel tired or sleepy during the day!  A few years back, I never would have been able to do this; only in my dreams! 

Here are the five heavy metal detox treatments that I used to successfully remove mercury:

1) Green Cleanse: One Day Intensive Cleansing. With this treatment be ready to go to the bathroom quite often. It's only for one day. But it works great.

2) DMSA + Alpha Lipoic Acid; the well-known doctor, Andrew Hall Cutler recommends this treatment.  I took 4-8 capsules of DMSA every four hours and alpha lipoic acid(50mg or more) every three hours for 4 days straight in the week; and I took the next 3 days off so your body can recover from detoxifying. It's hard work.

3) Clay Baths: Clay baths are highly effective for removing heavy metal like mercury and lead. I took a clay bath made just for mercury removal 2-3 times a week, following the instructions, and experiencing real lasting results.

4) Edible Earth Formula #1: This is a real great product that naturally absorbs heavy metal like mercury and other toxins. It contains many valuable minerals. I could feel the difference when I take Edible Earth on a regular basis. I still take it. I take 2 teaspoons mixed in 8oz glass of filtered water on an empty stomach, 3 times daily.

5) Zeolite Pure: This product is one of those rare gems that you wish you knew much earlier. It has the ability to latch itself to metals like mercury.

Without doubt, the best thing I ever did in my life in respect to my health, is detoxify my whole body. And because of this constant detoxing of heavy metals like mercury(four days of the week--Mondays through Thursdays; then giving my body a 3-day break), my health has improved greatly. You can never lose by detoxing; you can only gain more health.  If I had stopped taking these 5 detox agents, I would never have experienced the major improvements in my health. I am very glad that I kept detoxing with these five as long as I did. These five detox agents are highly effective for detoxing mercury, lead, aluminum, copper, nickel, iron, and other heavy metals. 

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